Considering you can find traces of human feces on literally every surface inside a human home, I imagine you mainly need stuff like that for surgery, and surgical items are washed in what is, essentially, a dishwasher.
From what I’ve heard the dog meat industry is horrendous even by meat industry standards, and in many places it’s believed that if they suffer as they die it makes the dog meat taste better so they are often purposefully tortured and killed in a brutal fashion in order to make them suffer more. I don’t like any animals being mistreated in the meat industry even if they’re an animal provide food, but the dog meat industry is particularly bad.
I disagree about your last point. Talking ghosts can absolutely be scary if it’s done right. The Exorcist demon is pretty famous for both frightening people and never shutting up, and demons and ghosts often serve similar purposes in horror movies. It could have easily been framed as a ghost possession instead of a demonic possession.
Well being dark doesn’t automatically make something a horror story to be fair, does it have horror elements or presentation? Like does it try to frighten or at least unnerve the audience purposefully?
I have that issue myself but I just use an add on or extension that unloads the tab when I’m not using it, or something like one tab where I can store tabs indefinitely “just in case” and ease my tab hoarding mind. Cause I don’t wanna bookmark the tabs, I prefer to use bookmarks for important links or ones I revisit regularly, I just often don’t know if I might need a tab one more time again in the future, or might plan to go back to it eventually, so I need a different method to manage it.
There is a version of the jack-in-the-box song that starts with “all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel” and ends with “pop goes the weasel”. That’s the version I heard growing up
Idk about OP but where I live most public stalls do have indicators but not all of them. Often custom bathrooms for places like restaurants tend to be missing them since they’re to some degree custom designed to match a certain aesthetic and I’m guessing in those cases indicators are easily forgotten or just left out of more niche bathroom stall door designs.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is also an issue in older bathrooms with older stall designs because I remember indicators being less common when I was a kid. But I usually knock if I’m checking a stall like that and don’t try to look underneath until I’ve tried less invasive measures. Honestly usually you can tell just by looking at the shadows on the floor and seeing if there’s any movement or not, without having to bend over to check for feet.
Well rip to them but I’m different I guess lol, if a movie is my favourite it’s because I’ve watched it multiple times by the time I decide it’s my favourite.
My go to answers are: “I’m hanging in there”, “been better, been worse”, “oh you know how it is”, (if they ask “how’s it going?”) “it’s going”, etc. You can be honest without being candid.
So obviously that means he couldn’t possibly ever exercise, because people who lose weight just wake up suddenly skinny and are never still fat at any of the in-between points during which they still get constantly shit on for existing in a shape society disapproves of.
🤢... (
Chicken soup (
South Korea passes ban on dog meat consumption (
“I come from the slums; I come from a hard background; I come from a poor family; and I was a soldier.” (
Witcher 3 is on sale for $8, BTW (
Tehc (
Seriously spends $80 to drive 20km.. (
10 November 2023 (
Why don't public restroom stalls have OPEN/OCCUPIED indicators like porta potties do?
I hate peaking under the stalls or knocking doors to figure it out. The answer is so simple.
Online movie reviews [Beetlemoses] (
30's wheel of pain (
introverts will understand (
Poor dogo (