As you’re trying to fall asleep, repeat in your mind ‘I will awake at seven alert and refreshed’. (e: or six or five, or whatever, but keep a rhythm.)
If your thoughts are intruding, say it aloud. Keep your phrase to four beats (awake, seven, alert, and refreshed should be even beats). Keep saying or thinking it, over and over, until you fall asleep. Sync it to your breath and heartbeat.
Didn’t alcohol use actually go up during temperance? I swear I read some studies on that. Like that was the reason it failed – alcohol use not only increased, but the alcohol that was available became more dangerous, so temperance was reversed and regulations on how it was made and licensing were instated.
It didn’t age well in some respects (misogyny, racism, borderline sexual assault), but it’s a great watch and the envisioning of a dystopian 2022 through the lens of 1973 is fascinating.
e: your comment inspired me to rewatch it and the 30 year old man living with his father is spot on.
That’s what regulations are supposed to do, and the very large network of regulations working within and across industries are nearly invisible to the public because they’re beneficial. Some regulations were put in place to serve malicious actors at the expense of the public, but they’re not the norm, and many do get repealed when more people become aware of their damage.
This seems like a good example of regulations improving the system, which also had beneficial knock-on effects.
Okay, that’s weird. I get KFC on occasion and haven’t noticed any appreciable change in the drumstick size. The one in your photo is tiny and appears to be the same shape and size as a standard drumlet.
The chickens aren’t separated in the store; all the butchering and separating happens in the factory. The store gets boxes of legs, boxes of breasts, boxes of thighs, etc.
It seems plausible someone was very new and mistook the drumlet bin for the drumstick bin. I’d bet your order wasn’t the only mistake before someone noticed and corrected them.
It may be worth contacting the shop with your photo, because it will be obvious to them that is a drumlet. May be worth a free meal.