I’m a big fan of Firefox’s email mask feature. Not sure which update it was but recently it showed up when clicking on an email field. FF creates an email address for you and forwards any mail you get to your main email. It’s been great for signing up for random crap cus you can just delete the email mask “account” afterwards.
I don’t see how brushing your teeth in the shower saves time. Unless your brushing while you shampoo or something, you’re just making your shower longer, which wastes more water.
That will hide your own posts and replies as well. So if you post something and go to check on it later in your profile it wont show up. I thought my posts were being deleted for awhile there, till I looked it up.
I still think about the guy i sent in the complete wrong direction about 15 years ago. He was dressed up, so he must have been going to something important. Sorry dude!
I’m sitting here waiting to go into a work holiday dinner that we are being forced to go to. Somehow I think telling my boss how I really feel about this diner might backfire. Being able to pay bills is always a plus.
Ive been sick all weekend, and had to call out today from work. I was just wondering what i was going to do today since ive exhausted my normal entertainment already this weekend. You’ve inspired me to start up a rewatch. Now, I just have to decide which series.
I hope you start to feel better soon! It sucks when our bodies betray us.