Jokes aside, I do find using my phone for casual meme browsing much more comfortable, so it’s just waiting for everything to catch up and work properly.
A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.
The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.
In the case of Miles “Peekaboo” is the name of an alien culture that mind rapes you for a hundred thousand centuries in an instant for adding too much sugar to your coffee.
You can always count on Garak ...or can you? (
Get this shit out of here (
This is a PSA (
PC Load Letter? Naw man, I don't know nothin' about that. (
Wild man Picard at it again (
The magic starship (
Are you REALLY a fan? (
I also love that episode with the propane planet (
This holiday is about sharing (
Returning to the Thanksgiving feast after your "walk" (
DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW (
Execute while it's still hot (
A surprisingly common incident even in the 24th century. (
But were they wessels? (
I hate when this happens. (
Riker Biker (
The final frontier? (
He lives (
It's true. (
Caitians exist (
One day soon (
It's all about style with them. (