I’m waiting for the conclusions to things that are completely out of my control, but that will also have a heavy bearing on my future happiness. I won’t know how these things will turn out for months, but that certainly isn’t stopping them from impacting my ability to enjoy life today.
I had actually considered doing Chinese as my required world language for college. My trade school mentor, who was very well traveled, talked me out of it after telling me how insanely difficult Chinese can be to learn. I’m glad that you’re feeling productive with Japanese.
Ah, the age-old tale of insurance trying to skimp on covering medications. My doctor once tried to give me Modafinil (a very gentle stimulant) for mild narcolepsy. Insurance said no, and that they wanted her to try two lesser acting medications first (there aren’t any). So, she prescribed Adderall, and they insta-accepted it. Flawless logic!
As for a pep-talk: I have no wisdom, but I believe in you.
Honestly, if Mint has been working fine then I see no reason that you’d need to switch. If you’re curious about trying out other distros, it could be worth using a program like Boxes to try out some VM’s. Otherwise, I say you keep doing whatever works well for you.
Keep at it! It took me being ghosted a trillion times and having my heart broken after a second interview to finally find my current position. I believe in you. :)
A lot. Also, thanks for the heads-up on Kagi. Anybody have recommendations for a privacy-respecting search engine that isn’t run by chuds? Paid is fine as long as it doesn’t suck.