Lots of dog owners send their dogs to be trained though, but dont get trained themselves, so the dog does GREAT with the trainer. Then good with the owner, until the owner gets negligent, then the dog training short circuited for a few minutes.
You specifically cite dogs on roadsides. That isnt an untrained dog problem. That is an untrained human problem.
2 dogs have been injured by my dog for it and I just can't blame my dog.
Felt bad for a while and then just couldnt justify it anymore.
And let me be clear, we have had friends dogs over to the house, done controlled introductions and it has been fine. Took her to a kennel one time when we went on a trip and no fights reported because it was a professional staff and a controlled environment.
However, when a strange dog runs up and puts a nose in her butt without pause, she starts biting.
That first time she didn't have her guard up and got seriously injured stayed with her. Simple as that and I can't blame her.
7 year cool down, and unless you are Trump and can afford extremely expensive legal representation, your odds of actually getting a full discharge of debt go down.