The thing is if you start with a frame it takes up more space, and it’s more difficult to move finished portions unside. Without the constraints of the frame you are free to position your portions where you want before merging.
That may be your opinion, but if you follow my Wikipedia link, it says it’s a smartphone, so I’m not even going to argue. Wikipedia has a widely accepted definition of a smartphone.
I never used N75, but i had n95, and they’re both running Symbian OS so I assume they were similar at least in software. I had full website browsing (made faster thanks to opera mini), email, file manager. I also had third party apps like Skype, Google maps (doesn’t matter whether you have gps), Gmail. If that’s not a smartphone then I don’t know what is.
Even the wiki you linked to clearly defines it as a smartphone. Why would you argue with that?
Smartphones used to have a different purpose than they do now. Just because it doesn’t have a querty keyboard, doesn’t mean it’s not a smartphone. Just look at the first iPhone, it’s just as useless, it didn’t even have the ability to install apps (imo it’s a must for smartphones) , yet hardly anyone will dispute whether it was a smartphone.
Nokia n95 is a smartphone, not a dumb phone. It has Symbian OS, you can install apps, copy/paste, browse internet. I used to have the 8gb one, it has more capabilities than the first iPhone.