Yea I know, I'm just saying that side hustle is more just a product of you enjoying yourself and being creative. You should start first with finding what you actually like to do. I'd just try some stuff till something sticks you know?
It may be a while before your confident to put a price tag on it.
Comission is great, especially locally, depending which craft you do. I would consider this only after you found your groove.
Hope you find something worthwhile to spend your time on.
It's pretty hard to make money crafting, but doable, and I think you just need to understand that going in. So I think what's most important is that you enjoy doing that particular craft. The selling is just icing.
Leather working, Jewelry, Tye dye, Hand made rugs...what do YOU like? Experiment, and find out.
It really just comes down to what you enjoy most and that you aren't expecting to make a full time job out it.