My AR 15 wont cycle. Any ideas how to fix the issue? ( So my relatively new s&w m&p15 won’t cycle the action when shooting. The hammer will reset but the bolt wont move at all. This happens with several different ammos, both winchester 223 and winchester/ federal 556....
What movie did you rewatch most often? For me, it’s either the Matrix or Pulp Fiction. I have seen both a lot of times but certainly not more often than say a dozen times.
My AR 15 wont cycle. Any ideas how to fix the issue? (
So my relatively new s&w m&p15 won’t cycle the action when shooting. The hammer will reset but the bolt wont move at all. This happens with several different ammos, both winchester 223 and winchester/ federal 556....
What movie did you rewatch most often?
For me, it’s either the Matrix or Pulp Fiction. I have seen both a lot of times but certainly not more often than say a dozen times.