Hey OP, comunistm is great on paper because it doesn’t take into consideration the human nature. Humans are corruptible, no matter who, and even the best of us would be corrupted when it comes to someone they love. This alone breaks the comunist stance because you can’t have fairness when one human is responsable for managing/governing. Comunism would work if there was no hierarchy between humans, no one more powerful. Maybe if some aliens come or if some AI evolve enough to govern, but that’s is not today’s world
Edit: I do think the US level of captalism is horrible. Maybe begin with just SOME socialist policies, like free healthcare and univesities, that would already improve so much the lifes of americans
You are right I really don’t, but not all theory translates well into reality. How would a country of milions manage all that without hierarchy? I’m not going against you I’m just trying to understand how would this work without a dictatorship and considering that humans are not trustworthy
I don’t think there is an imediate solution. Humams can not be trusted with power, it’s human nature. I see only 2 ways, either someone/thing else does it or, a more realistic one, technology becomes so powerful that we can manage the managers, monitoring their actions/choices (and voting?! maybe?!) Idk, but remember that tech is a sword and not a knife, if it monitors them.they would also monitor us.
Anyway there is no simple solution. Captalism as is today and comunism as is today are both bad options.
Do i need an pirate hat to enter a torrent?
Just like hackers need an black hoodie. And where can I get one? Is a simple costume one enough or do I need an expensive one?...
Go watch Invasion if you don't believe me (lemmy.world)
Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth (lemmy.ml)