When I had housemates in the past, I respected this until 9AM, at that point, unless you actually have a reason to stay up past 1AM (for an 8hr sleep), then I’m afraid then it sucks to be you and I’ll just be normal amounts of quiet.
Japan isn’t on its own wavelength, most of East Asian does this, probably because they all decided they wanted to be like China: which was a government which governed more. youtu.be/Mh5LY4Mz15o?t=1m7s
I feel like this is part of the the joke because Americans often focus on Europeans when metric comes up. I’m Australian, and I have been assumed to be in Europe a number of times by US internet commenters on the topic haha
S&P 500 did better than that in the last 10 years. I really hate that housing has gone the way it has, because on average it’s not as insanely profitable comparable to other asset classes as people make it out to be, it’s pretty comparable.
I wish it wasn’t comparable though, because we’re just parking a ton of cash to do nothing with it.