I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they’re pretty shaky because I can’t get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in “stalled”. I’ve tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn’t starting. I’m using proton VPN on Linux Mint,...
And they are also eating them, but specify these urchins specifically have less roe and other edible parts, so they are basically more trouble than they’re worth to eat
RANT: I hate the fact that my ISP can restrict access to certain sites
How can it possibly be, that an ISP, which I’m paying for gets to decid, which sites I’m allowed to have access to, and which not?...
A very useful guide to buying gelato from a Italian local (files.catbox.moe)
issues with QbitTorrent stalled torrents
I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they’re pretty shaky because I can’t get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in “stalled”. I’ve tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn’t starting. I’m using proton VPN on Linux Mint,...
Awww! That's so cute! (lemmings.world)
From urchin crushing to lab-grown kelp, efforts to save California's kelp forests show promise (apnews.com)