What’s the first indicator a scientist tried to build their own experiment using the soldering station ?
The smell of burnt fingers.
What’s the scientist waiting for sitting in front of their own experiment ?
Waiting for the infinite loop they coded to finish after they claimed they didn’t need the engineer’s help to write the code in their experiment.
How many scientists do you need to change a light bulb ?
Theoretically just one, but it can take several until one of them can call an engineer and admit they only know how to change light bulbs theoretically.
What does a scientist call an electrolytic capacitor ?
I think in this context no ship would ever approach nose-to-nose. That’s just for the viewers to see. I’d wager no two ships would come into less than around 1-5 km of each other if they weren’t lining up flight paths for shuttles or docking. It’s not like they need to “stand up” next to each other and “talk”.
They would probably have formations they would assume while in transit or stopped, so it would probably be normal to cross paths with a formation flying upside down or in a perpendicular axis.
In case of just meeting and talking, they’d probably do it from wherever they happen to be, very far from each other, flying towards different destinations.
Why would they be conservative ? I do agree with you that this thread is full of people trying to justify the unjustifiable, but let me remind you the party in power providing its full unquestionable support for Israel is the Democrat party, spearheaded by Biden, a Democrat president, who is very, very happy and supportive with all this. So being a douche is a bit all over the place if you ask me. You can’t necessarily point at douchebaggery and instantly realize it’s conservative.
I think we’re the North Sentinelese of the Milky Way and we’re being purposefully insulated so we develop technologically and sociologically up to a certain point where we’ll be able to join everyone else. I doubt they’ll say anything. That’s the point. In fact i think we’re being shielded as a kindness, possibly protected too. We, as a species, can’t even leave the solar system and return. I’m guessing an advanced enough civilization could create a believable enough reproduction of the universe for us to study.
I think the difference between the alien UN and our global organization is probably the same level as the difference between our UN and the North Sentinel Island tribal elders.
It just doesn’t make sense that the galaxy is empty. But my theory is just my best guess. I have no concrete evidence. I do think there are some mighty coincidences around here. For instance, a solar system stocked with several planets and minerals and a long life stable star, almost ideal from all the various star types available. A random meteorite hitting the earth after millions of years of dinosaurs not developing intelligent life. A very logical progression of bodies for a space faring civilization to grow. First the moon, then mars, then venus, etc. A lot of asteroids that seem to zip by Earth but always near miss at an alarming common rate. Jupiter strategically placed to keep Earth safe from a large number of meteors and other celestial bodies.
I think humans are a benevolent, non intrusive biological experiment by an advanced species or at the very least a protected species in some nature reserve. Them interacting with us could potentially hamper our development. It could be that religions were their previous attempts but didn’t work out so well.
Seems to me this is more like the equation that maximizes happiness for people who don’t have the mentioned things.
Plenty of people have food, money and sex, rightfully obtained from their perception, yet are still very unhappy, even suicidal. This is what you think you need. It’s not even necessarily what you need.
From what i read about it, Apple has a walled garden but charges a flat fee for everyone and has no special deals. Everyone pays the same and they make a little money off of the store but also the hardware sold.
Whereas Google has been caught treating certain parties differently, such as Spotify, something called Project Hug, where they gave extra benefits to parties at risk of leaving the play store, among other unequal dealings.
So the crux of the question is not about the monopoly itself, but the fact that Google is treating market players differently and throwing its weight around to influence the market to its advantage.
Honestly i always found it cruel to own a bird as a pet. Birds are meant to fly. All bird owners just either keep their birds in a cage or chained up all the time. They never get to fly their whole lives, or they’d fly away. Imagine being born with your upper limbs with the purpose of flying and never doing it because someone needs a pet bird.
Ergo, vis-a-vis, cogito ergo sunt, per se. Exempli gratia, id est, quod erat demonstratum. Errare humanum est, carpe diem et requiescat in pace. In vinum veritas, semper fidelis, et pluribus unum.
I can guarantee you that is never going to happen. You ban VPNs and all the companies R&D departments will leave. A VPN is an essential part of corporate data infrastructure. If a company is unable to secure intellectual property, it will move it elsewhere, leaving only sales and manufacturing, at best.
And since France is in Schengen, I’m sure other European countries would love to get those corporate taxes for themselves.
Maybe the hole was made for the puddle, who’s to say it wasn’t? Perhaps a large number of coincidental occurrences made it, but there sits the water in a hole that perfectly accommodates it. Something that the people who built the road expected. How can one say it wasn’t the intention of the organization of the universe in a series of probabilities that one day that water would be right on that puddle, in a specific moment in time? Wouldn’t that arguably make the hole made for the water at that point in time ?
I guess that’s more of a philosophy debate, but honestly until we get more data, it could be anything. All we know is that our long range scanners have not detected advanced civilizations and that doesn’t match our expectations. It could be because they don’t exist, it could be because they’re hiding themselves from us.
We know very little about alien life at this point and until we have more information, every explanation is possible. Some scientific explanations of the universe or life that were eventually discovered were certainly more wild and vivid than we previously thought before. I’m not saying this is what is necessary happening, just something that could be happening.