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Nougat, to risa in Speaking of Canada in Star Trek...

That would be 80W90 gear oil.

Nougat, to maliciouscompliance in Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then...

I am not a lawyer.

These signs are surely in response to the recent US Supreme Court ruling which allowed a website designer to refuse to make websites for same-sex weddings.

First, churches are religious; Trump supporters are political, and not religious. In the US, religion is a "protected class", but political alignment is not. But traditionally, political alignment or part affiliation is not discriminated against, even if it is federall legal to do so. (Various states may have their own clauses making political alignment a protected class in certain contexts, I'm not sure.) Also important to this discussion is that sexual preference is not a protected class federally, although I know that many states have enshrined protection for sexual preference in their own state laws.

If a case were brought about discrimination against Trump supporters because of these signs, in a jurisdiction where politics was not a protected class, I should expect that that case would fail, under current law. But just like SCOTUS is highly political right now, lower courts are, too, especially lower federal courts. It's anybody's guess as to whether a given judge would actually adhere to existing case law.

For the religious side of these signs, it gets interesting. As above, SCOTUS has ruled that a religious business owner can discriminate against customers based on the business owner's "religious disagreement" with a position held by the customer, presumably where that disagreement does not overlap with a protected class.

And there's the rub. Religion is a protected class, so it should be prohibited to discriminate against someone for their religious position. This, however, really tips the scales in favor of the religious: the religious business owner can discriminate on the basis of their own religious belief, but no one can discriminate against them because of that same religious belief. To me, this seems to tread very heavily on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...

"Congress," in this context, has been interpreted by the courts to mean more generally "the government," at any level. The recent SCOTUS ruling gives a religious business owner the right to discriminate on the basis of their religion, but the right of other people to discriminate against that business owner on the exact same basis remains prohibited. Again, I am not a lawyer, but that seems to be clearly in opposition to the Establishment Clause.

All of this is interesting, but none of it is cause for concern.

What is cause for concern is the foundation of Obergefell, which made same sex marriage legal in all of the US. That basis is that the only difference between opposite sex and same sex marriages is the sex of one of the people in the couple. An argument I recall from the time was that prohibiting same sex marriage is unconstitutional, because to do so would be discriminating against someone on the basis of sex - which is a protected class. However, that does not appear to have been mentioned in the court's ruling.

No matter the reason, if it is unconstitutional to discriminate against same sex couples in the context of their getting married in the first place, it should stand to reason that it would be unconstitutional to discriminate against those same sex couples in any other context. Reason does not appear to be this court's strong suit; they have decided that the rights of religious people to discriminate on the basis of their personal and individual beliefs "trumps" (pun intended) the rights of people (religious or not) to not be discriminated against.

This is a "canary in a coal mine" to overturn all manner of previous courts' rulings: Obergefell (same sex marriage), Loving v Virginia (interracial marriage), Griswold (access to contraception), Lawrence v Texas (legalization of homosexuality), and certainly others.

Again, all of this seems to prioritize religion, which is in clear opposition of the Establishment Clause.

Nougat, to television in Opinion: Bring back the 20-plus-episode TV season

Let's not forget that even the 20-episode season greats had their fair share of real stinker episodes, those stinkers increasing in frequency as the series dragged on several seasons longer than it should have due to sheer momentum. And that a huge proportion of 20 episode season television series just sucked and were forgotten about.

We've also moved beyond the three-camera stage plays with very few sets to television shows where one episode is shot on more sets than Friends used for its entire run - because it makes better television. Episodes are also longer than 22 minutes now. (That's what YouTube is for.) These factors demand a lot more effort, which means there's not enough time or labor to pull together 20 episodes in a year.

Nougat, to memes in Road Rage
Nougat, (edited ) to newcommunities in OriginalDocuments - the actual thing, without editorializing

Not sure. I know that federation is still a bit iffy, generally. was erroring out for me for a long time from, I just happened to check today when I saw something hit my feed.

Edit: I know on kbin, there's a search function that might get you there, if it's an issue with the links I've included here? Something like that on your platform, maybe?

Nougat, to lemmybewholesome in Unlimited power!

I think you meant @snaptastic, and thank you.

Nougat, to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

I feel like you don't understand how blockchains work.

Nougat, to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

Keep living in your weird fantasy world where applications and solutions should pop into existence fully formed, feature-rich, and bug-free, with no development or testing whatsoever.

Nougat, to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

It's. In. Beta.

Nougat, (edited ) to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

Yeah, and that's called a fork. The chain doesn't vanish; a new chain is created, forking off of the old one. That's why we have both Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

Oh wait, you're talking about a 51% attack. Read the whole article that you linked. It is amazingly difficult to perform, and as the number of nodes goes up, it becomes even more difficult.

Has anyone successfully performed a 51% Attack on Bitcoin?
Nope, not yet.

Some miners have come close to reaching 50% or more of the total mining power over Bitcoin’s history, but nobody has actually performed a successful 51% Attack.

If Big Daddy Bitcoin hasn't suffered a 51% attack, I find the risk of that happening vanishingly low.

There have been three. BTG, ETC and VTC. All three of those are Proof of Work. PoW is going by the wayside, I'm hopeful that Proton would be using Proof of Stake, which is a much more difficult model to 51% against. (You would need to possess 51% of the tokens.) Even if someone managed to do it, it would still be noticed pretty much immediately, and then you'd fork to a new chain and move on.

Nougat, to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

You're out of your depth here, and I'm not going to bother explaining any further.

Nougat, to privacy in Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form'

You do realize that when it's out of beta, they could easily drop the beta chain and start a brand new one, right? And that the methodology for someone adding their public key as well as the blockchain node application (wallet) would be open source, so that anyone can look at the code? And that Proton isn't adding your public key to the chain, you are? And that being a beta blockchain kind of necessaily depends on having many nodes, in order to test scalability?

You're out of your depth here, and I'm not going to bother explaining any further.

Nougat, to piracy in Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?

Who's buying 32-bit CPUs anymore?

Nougat, to risa in When you don't appreciate my extremely long cat themed poetry

I am not aware, but I will have a look.

Nougat, to memes in Just wash it right off

A gas water heater is still going to have an electric start.

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