To be fair, our heat goes to conserve our inner organs. We may lose our hands first if we’re stranded in a blizzard, but we’ll survive the men, and hands are replaceable.
I’d probably be dead from infection, and at the very least horribly disfigured. Was in a boating accident when I was 6 and had 3rd degree burns across my entire body.
I’m a designer that works with a bunch of engineers and yeah. I’ve got two projects that we had to rush in a two week deadline. Now we’ve been waiting for months on a reply about something. Just waiting.
Mom, don’t sacrifice your retirement savings to keep our lifestyle the same. It’s not more important than struggling so hard in your retirement years. Your kids will get used to living with less, we’ll get over any sadness we feel over it, as long as we’re together.
Also, you have a bad case of sunk cost fallacy. You’re going to lose the house over it.
Dad, if you run away from your kids when it gets tough, they are going to be traumatized, and it will come back to bite you when you’re older. Your son especially will want nothing to do with you. Your last years will be lonely enough, don’t abandon the only people who will be there for you.