On the host of the nginx rev proxy or in nginx config files. Something seems to block the lookup from name to ip, as ip works you know the proxy works. Check dns config and nginx config on that host
Longest shower though I’ve seen for a while. While you seem somewhat clueless in what you talk about you manage to fit in many cool words. That’s a plus.
The normal way I believe is to provide dpkg, and rpm to cover a few distros and to make sure your software is good enough for someone to pick up and maintain packages for other/their distros. ;)
The options you already mentioned seems a good fit - with OBS being a bit rpm centric.
In Norwegian they are called Klypedyr. Literal translation is pinching-animal (although we call it an insect). I always though that was scary as a kid, but I see now my trauma is tiny compared to ear-infesting-wig-wearing thingy. I still don’t like them, but I tolerate them