The trouble isn’t that you can’t do all that. It’s how many other people have that same idea. Rural areas will be overrun by people who think getting out of the cities is the best idea – not that they’re wrong – but it will run supplies low outside cities too, and home gardens and the local deer population can only take so much pressure. That’s not even to mention the road traffic. If cities can’t handle rush hour, 2 lanes will certainly be gridlocked as everyone looks for the next road not taken. The locals would not take kindly to such an influx either.
The best strategy in my mind would be to stockpile food and other necessities wherever you are now and prepare for a long wait, hoping power gets restored. It would be horrible and dangerous no matter where.
3 months is when my insulin runs out. I doubt I’d make it that long in the USA.
Flintknapping is extremely prone to finger and hand injuries, and nobody understood infection back then. Probably everyone was making and using stone tools constantly. Might explain things.
Clickspring makes some of the most beautiful, soothing, detail obsessed machining videos imaginable. Dude builds complex gear works from scratch, including a replica of the Antikythera mechanism which is still in progress after many years, though nearly finished now.
Let’s go relive that childhood trauma! It sure would be interesting trying to raise my parents into functional adults at that age. I wonder if they’d give me an exorcism?
As a vinyl collector, it really feels impossible to completely avoid problematic older bands. So many of them pulled heinous shit, and often the bigger they were, the more opportunities they had to indulge their worst impulses. But how can we study history without acknowledging our ancestors accomplishments and failures?
I figure if they are dead, they can’t hurt anybody anymore, and neither can they benefit. Same goes for buying used.