Israel wants the land. They’ve been taking Palestinian homes and properties and kicking out the owners for many years. They’ve requested that people in northern Gaza move out, and go south or be killed. They plan to take Palestinian land for themselves, imo.
This made me laugh but I can see why if you have interest you’d be somewhat annoyed by arranged and selected items. It’s not a natural sample. Sand’s not the only thing I’ve seen this done with. There are worse things in the world to be fussed up about tho’. And I do like the heart shaped piece 💜
Yep. Why is this? I stopped buying games because I end up sticking to the same ones and types that give me the most joy, where I feel like I’m achieving something and not wasting my time.
If i open a game now that’s too difficult to learn, has too many key options, is too bright for or hard on the eyes, is gory, doesn’t have bag space and wants to nickel and dime me for it, etc…I just stop. Red Dead Redemption - beautiful game and I crave to go back. It is too difficult and causes me so much stress. Not worth it. There was this other game I wanted to play. The controls and interface was just awful. Look around the world caused motion sickness and hurt the eyes. WoW - toxic community.
When you get older, I think you learn what works for you. What feels comfortable. What feels good. What makes you happy. Because that’s what you’re there for, to be happy.
I hadn’t seen that news. I have tons of notes, being a user from way back. Then I stopped - it got so bloated and not easy to use anymore. I’ll go export mine - thanks for posting.
I use UpNote. Multiplatform, no sub, one time reasonable payment for lifetime. Copy and paste images wsywig with text from the web.