They do, until they realize that their not going to get their land back, and then they’ll sell their land for pennies to either the tenants or some investment company who can absorb the losses for much longer. Eventually the property will end up owned by the residents who will pay taxes assuming you can maintain power (you’re basically set electorally, you’re the group that did land reform, you just have to worry about capital strikes and coups, so you should probably do a hard purge(fire all the pigs, throw the ones in jail for illegal activities they’d previously have gotten away with) and reorganization of the local police and should invest in arming the local organized proletariat to dissuade that)(capital strikes can be prevented because dissolving the rent seeking class is beneficial to sectors of capital too) who will pay property taxes, as the property tax and maintenance costs are much lower than rent.
The tenants’ money was paying the property taxes to begin with.
“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”
-Literally Adam Smith. I dont even need to get out the Mao quotes.
The problem isn’t the scale the problem is the class dynamic.
Yeah, profit is legitimately a problem, this guy Adam Smith wrote about it in a book and then Marx wrote a whole series of tomes doing a more comprehensive analysis about how it is unsustainable and to the detriment of humanity.
Yeah, youre a member of the rentier class, not the capitalist class.
The critique is actually different for rentierism vs capitalism, even most capitalist economicists hate rentierism. You’re collectively a parasitic class even to the capitalists because you increase their operating costs indirectly for no benefit. Earnestly no offense, as class analysis is about understanding structures, not moralizing.
You still benefit from extractivist class dynamics. Unless you’re going to be in the red even after selling the properties you own, even if you’re charging so low that you lose money in the short term. But I’m guessing that on aggregate over time you’re gaining money in the short term.
It is more than my opinion, it is literally the academic concensus on the subject, including pro-capitalist economic theorists in the consensus. You’d literally have to go back to the divine right of kings being an intellectual position taken seriously to find a consensus in support of rentierism.
Now, of course, feel free to be an anti-intellectual about it. Your opinion as someone who hasn’t read a lot of political economic theory is just as valid as the mainstream academic concensus among economicists and political economicists.
LVT doesn’t really address the fundamental class antagonism between landlords and tenants.
Let’s say landlords pay more taxes because of LVT, and that goes to UBI. Landlords can just jack up the prices to make their money back. The only people who benefit are people who don’t rent.
Also geoanarchism doesn’t sound like anarchism, unless we are being pejorative toward anarchism.
Electoral system, which is a tool to stave off fascism long enough for class conciousness to build.
It literally isn’t, and it has never worked as one. What historical examples are you basing this on? How many books have you actually read on the subject?
Literally making radical unions as part of a socialist organization and doing serious mutual aid work. Providing logistical support to protestors where protesting=/=marching
I would start with the “economy and class structure of german fascism”, “The capital order” goes into how neoliberalism is connected to fascisms modern resurgence.
Liberals, please acknowledge that if there is a possibility every election that fascism will win, fascism will eventually win unless you take political action outside of electoralism
Can you find any reports of an increase in terrorism in the area? Groups being discriminated against so heavily will always resort to violent self defense.
Can you find any reports of mass refugees? Groups being targeted by genocide always try to flee to other places where they won’t be targeted.
Get out and vote! (