anti-authoritarian leftists, including anarchists, libertarian socialists, left communists, democratic socialists, and reformists(who commonly use “tankie”
Ah yes, the anti authoritarian anarchists like the Ukrainian Free State, a military dictatorship that enabled pogroms against Jewish people in their territories.
The marxist leninists were in practice a lot more anti-authoritian" than the anarchists and other “anti-authoritians” of the time.
USSR was justified in using tanks to crush a revolution
noted anti-stalinist Khrushchev sent tanks into Hungary
I would also send tanks into Hungary -even if we were close to a peaceful settlement- if I suddenly got reports of soviet government officials and jews being lynched. Revolutions don’t start lynching jews. Counter-revolutions do.
This happened a decade after the holocaust in a country that the Soviets failed at denazifying as successfully as other Warsaw pact countries. Hungary was an enthusiastic collaborator in the holocaust. You do the math. The vanguard of the true revolution they were not.
The funny thing is, capitalism happened organically. It wasn’t a designed system. So dismantling capitalism without a solid replacement will likely just lead right back to capitalism.
March of history. When material conditions are right you transition from feudalism to capitalism. When material conditions build up further, you get the transition to socialism and then communism.
Capitalism is an economic system, while democracy is a political system.
Economics is politics. The two are intertwined in every practical regard.
To repeat myself a bit, my argument is that capitalism can’t exist without collective agreements on legislation, enforcement, and adjudication, along with strong protections for an individual’s rights.
This is ahistorical. Colonialism does not require consensus or respect for individual rights and is a central feature of any capitalist system that is successful enough.
If you believe that supposed self-described “socialists”, “communists”, “leftists”, and other “cHaMpIoNs Of tHe PeOpLe” have never been or are incapable of being genocidal maniacs, please promptly fuck your own face with your tankie butt-plug and jump off the nearest cliff.
Oh yeah, socialists have done some horrible things. They pale in scale to the crimes of capitalism. The British empire, the nazi empire, the American empire. Socialism is a less violent system but that doesn’t mean that violence stops.
I will never entertain any authoritarian of whatever economic stripe or their apologists for even a nanosecond.
If you support capitalism you literally support an informal caste system where a small caste owns the collective accumlated fruits of labor of the whole human race stretching back to the start of agriculture, where any attempt to change the state of affairs that has any chance of success gets jakarta methoded. That is much more authoritarian than a red terror.
The Muslim countries who send delegations claim there isn’t a genocide. The people who historically have used Muslim extremism to destabilize countries and then bomb the shit out of their local population leading to hundreds of thousands or millions of casualties still claim that China’s anti-extremism program was genocide.
The Muslim countries who send delegations claim there isn’t a genocide. The people who historically have used Muslim extremism to destabilize countries and then bomb the shit out of their local population leading to hundreds of thousands or millions of casualties still claim that China’s anti-extremism program was genocide.
Please read upon actual history before pretending to know any of it.
Could you give me a recommendation on history books that go over the slaughter of minorities in Cuba, Vietnam, and Korea then? Since you know so much about it.
Oh, that is what I thought. Have you considered actually talking to Cubans, either people who live there or cuban immigrants who arent aggrieved about their grandpa’s plantation?
Communism without unchecked violence, aggression and ethnic cleansing isn’t communism.
Fuck I gotta tell my local commune that they aren’t really communist
Also loving the token Whataboutism™
Fallacy fallacy. If we are judging ideologies on how many atrocities they commit, you have to judge them against other ideologies.
even though liberalism is the only ideology that has the capability to support a non-violent society
Lol 20 million people die a year of starvation or lack of clean water under liberal hegemony.
The archetypal liberal state shoots thousands of black men a year, and creates conditions that mean 40 percent of homeless youth are lgbt. It has the largest prison system in history, and has killed millions of civilians in wars of aggression over the last 20 years. You’re projecting the crimes of capitalism onto communism, consider criticizing communism for what it actually did wrong.
Started off? Which minority was slaughtered in Cuba? What about Korea? How about Afghanistan? China? Vietnam? The USSR? I mean at the start. The USSR did do some legitimately bad things to minorities (particularly German, polish, and Korean) in the lead up to and during ww2) but that was later on and those paled in comparison to the crimes of their capitalist contemporaries.