Burping is for gas in your stomach and oesophagus, nothing to do with your intestines. How would hiccoughs help in any way with gases in the intestines?
What is it about "Star trek memes and shitposts" you're incapable of understanding? Can you not google "star trek risa" to see where the name comes from? Why are you all up in here trying to play the victim like everyone's out to get you, when you're determined to live in the ignorance a 2 second google spree and reading comprehension could solve?
Bro we have seen the latest developments, but we're not "scared" because we're not fucking idiots. It's not aliens. It's some dudes making shit up to make a name for themselves, some dipshit pilots misunderstanding what they're seeing, and fucking eejits like you making it into something it's not.