As other comments point out, they are usually not properly packaged through nix.
If you read the , for most plugins, the derivation just downloads the plugin, puts it to nix-store, and makes it available to the editor through environment variables. So it’s similar to the binary distributed software. Two most notable restrictions:
Nix is not aware of transient dependencies.
The plugin is not aware of the nix-store model.
So for plugins that don’t have external dependencies (or dependencies other than the “common” ones like python or sh that happen to be available), and that don’t interact with the filesystems, this approach would be fine, but the more complex ones would fail.
In your example, mason failed because of 1, home-manager wasn’t aware that the pip module is a transient dependency of this plugin; and treesitter failed because of 2, because it doesn’t know that nix-store is read-only and should be managed by nix.
There are no general solutions, but people may have nixified some plugins on a case-by-case basis. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time (and remember that it might be broken by the next plugin upgrade), as others have suggested, take the traditional plugin management approach. (Personally, I use LunarVim which uses Lazy.nvim and it’s been working fine.)
according to McKinsey. “And for those Gen Zers who decide that driving just isn’t for them, they can keep themselves busy with TikTok in the passenger seat—or get behind the wheel in the metaverse.”
Be a good consumer and accept our thought control.
The difference is that fixed capital matters little to the rate of profit, so they can spend a lot of money and it still evens out over the period of operation. The food and wage, on the other hand, affects the rate of profit a lot. So we can usually see restaurants with “fancy” decors, but with shitty food and low wages.
Opening a purse but only getting flies flying out usually means that the purse is empty in cartoons. Here the conversation suggested that frogs uses flies as currencies and thus subverts the convention.
Another layer on top is that two flies are required, but the customer only got one, so they’re still broke, just like the conventional representation of being broke.
It’s the collaboration edition with the cartoon character タイツくん (Mr. Tights), and there are many more goods like this on their website.
Specifically on this package. At the top there are タイツくん (Mr. Tights) and 大人のドリトス (Doritos for adults, which I should note doesn’t mean it’s adult-restricted, they just put that to many food and drink to mean those can be enjoyed by adults).
In the main image, we have 電気アンマ復活, revival by an electronic massager, which is a mischief game played by one person holding the other person’s legs, stepping on their genitals, and turning around the feet, mimicking an electronic massager, as is shown by the characters.
In the bottom left, it says ブラックペッパーとソルト味, black pepper and salt flavor. In the bracket, 竹炭入り, added bamboo charcoal, which is also quite common in Japanese snacks, because people think it’s healthy.