It’s pretty much bog standard anticommunism, we already dunked on it in grad, but rather perfunctory since it’s so boring and didn’t even had much attention.
Undoubtedly they do have some, but the number is not comparable to for example UK. I meant that sweeping statements like above are basically useless, even for a meme. Also this particular usage in this meme definitely sound like “all lives matter”.
No, San Marino is independent state since 200 years or so (Edit: actually over 700). Sure, a very minor one, but still fit the incredibly sweeping definition of the guy i was answering to. Also why i would count Rome, it’s over 300 km away from it.
This is what bland, AI generated crap looks like, folks
Except this is without AI, and it’s far from the only case. Looks like people really don’t need AI to be uninspired, the only thing it changes is the amount of labour put in the generation of that bland crap.
Yeah. In Poland libertatrianism started around 1980 with a pretty fun episode when Janusz Korwin-Mikke went to the famous opening strike of solidarność in the Gdańsk Shipyard and preached to them the virtues of capitalism and free market. Shocked workers listened to the nonsense, concluded he has to be a militia provocateur (he really wasn’t) and locked him in the shed.
Currently, polish libertarians have such overlap with monarchists and neonazis they are even for years in a single political party - Konfederacja.
To be fair, people like holidays and it’s tradition far older than capitalism, the calendar in most of catholic and orthodox countries (and afaik the nonchristian religions aren’t that much different in that) since medieval up to even XX century in some places was literally counted not by months and days, but from holiday to holiday and there was dozens of them, so every few days except maybe the great fast there was this or that holiday. Capitalism just took the heavily cutted protestant version and concentrated the holidays even further, but the actual celebrations are just few days (we can’t give proles too much free days, we need the labour to steal!) so that the preparations got extended beyond the wildest expectations.