For anyone reading this and getting ideas… Syncthing is not a backup tool. Please don’t use it for backups. the devs have addressed this so many times.
Before you lose your data, please try deleting a single file and see what happens.
Yeah the warnings are there for a reason, it is very new. However, only had to change my docker compose once, and that’s it. Otherwise everything has worked flawlessly.
The warning serves to make you aware that it is beta software, and to have 3-2-1 backup solution.
I run this. Can attest to its brilliance. Just want to point out though that its 2FA codes built in is inherently insecure. 2FA is meant as having multiple points of verification for enhanced security. By adding them all to Bitwarden you are again putting them all into a single point of verification / all eggs in 1 basket.
I’m learning web design, and one of those topics I need to learn is SEO so the websites I make rank higher. While I don’t like the idea of “gaming the system” to rank higher, it kind of becomes a necessity when everyone does it. What for you makes it such a scummy business?
I do this but I’m one of those lucky folk that get hungover no matter what I do. Almost not worth the drink at all. A normal night out is 2 40ml glasses of whiskey and 2-3 500ml glasses of water.
Morning routine is fatty/oily carbs food, ibuprofen, big glass of water, a good poop and a cold as fuck shower.