It wasn’t NASA tho - it was the International Astronomical Union (IAU):
NASA’s New Horizons mission made a close pass of Pluto this week. For more than 70 years, Pluto was one of nine planets recognised in our Solar System.
But in 2006, it was relegated to the status of dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). So why was Pluto demoted?
I think about this a lot tbh…I’m glad it’s not just me. Leia saw Obi-Wan get murdered just after Alderaan was blown up. She lost 99% of those she loved.
And here is Luke moping about this 1 guy he vaguely knew.
The writers dropped the ball on that one. Only General Dodonna made any mention of it. You would have thought that in the Falcon on the way to Yavin there would have been some kind of conversation like “Holy shit they just destroyed your entire planet? That is wild af…are you ok???”
I had them as an adult. They were annoying but worth it once they were removed.
No one made a big deal about them. They could make my teeth sore when I first got them or had anything adjusted, but again - more of a minor annoyance than outright pain. Nothing to be afraid of and I’m glad I did it now.
The guy is a Norwegian comedian I think & he bet his friends that he could get a dumb song into the Billboard top 10 or something. I believe he succeeded in a few European countries.
The song is absolutely ridiculous considering he doesn’t speak Spanish, but it’s just a funny story.
I haven’t heard much about it tbh, but I’m in Houston so maybe it won’t affect us this time. That being said, thanks for the heads up! Abbott and ERCOT sadly have the ability to outdo even the worst disaster responses.