Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.
My friend pet the dash of his car every time the transmission hesitated. That spot of the dash swelled and popped up in that spot after a year or two because of the finger oils.
Happy Halloween! Share your favorite scary movie suggestions! (prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com)
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
What's your weird physical habit?
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.