Yeah, KDE is just better in so many ways. When gnome launched kde was built on a not-fully-open-source library, but then they fully open sourced QT, and that was decades ago so now there is no excuse!
The thing I like most about Steam is that games under Linux just work, for the most part. I don't play AAA games online multiplayer which is, I believe, where that falls down, but other than that it really is pretty seamless
"The best time to plant a tree is fifty years ago. The second best time is right now" - essentially don't worry about what you could have done better, or what could have been, make now and the future as good as you can
"If you don't fall off occasionally, you're not trying hard enough" - originally told to me in the context of learning to windsurf (I still can't windsurf), but applicable in a lot of areas. This doesn't mean try to fall off, it means failure is a natural part of growth, not something to be shunned