I’m not saying I really agree with the position, but I’ll explain what I think they meant for you. It was Jewish ‘holy land’ well before it was Christian or Islamic holy land seeing as Christianity and Islam weren’t even made up until many hundreds of years later.
That’s cool. But the idea of a due date on digital media is also completely absurd, just give me the file. The entire point of libraries is to freely share information after all.
Yeah, but my sweet old grandma made it well into her 90s, so I’ll stick to there not being a god. The biblical god would have smitted her down long ago.
Hmm ty. Not sure if my ‘sync’ app is glitching or something. But the upvotes I received make me inclined to think I’m not the only one who had that specific chain disappear all of the sudden.
Edit: K so they were deleted as suspected. But why? While some people disagreed with each other, it was a civil discussion with the intention of providing a solution to a real issue. Very concerning such a thing would get deleted at all.
Is there anything Hamas could do that you feel would be ‘too far’ or that fundamentally impossible from your perspective due to them being the victims of colonization?
Where did I say anything about supporting genocide? You’re the one telling me to die lol. I don’t support any form of genocide and at no point in this thread, or any thread, did I say anything to even slightly imply that.
Did you get me confused with someone else you are replying to or something?
I am hopeless when it comes to accepting your white savior view of things, yes. And which original plan? The one in support of murdering all mixed race people? Also which table? I literally don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
If you can’t even justify your position, like…at all. Doesn’t that sort of make you consider rethinking your position at least a little bit?
Many people are absolutely suggesting we give back Vancouver. Giving back only shit that settlers don’t really care about or use defeats the whole point doesn’t it?
Because it isn’t something that can be meaningfully implemented. Not to mention what if it all goes to a First Nation I disagree with having control of it? Like I said, it’s contested between three indigenous groups.
There also the issue, that I keep bringing up, of me being mixed race. I don’t see how we can only look at the 25% of my genetic heritage while ignoring the other 75%. The world is a lot more complicated than a binary worldview of ‘idigenous or not’.
You, and others blindly yelling ‘land back’ without any specifics are not being realistic at all and just want to feel better about your own position without actually taking any meaningful specific actions.
Look, we should do something. I’m looking for solutions. I want Japanese people to get their land back. I want Indigenous people to get their land back. I just don’t know how it’s even vaguely possible or feasible.
Also, following treaties signed under duress and in situations of radically unequally power dynamics isn’t too reasonable either. Not to mention that in much of Western Canada, for example, there aren’t many signed treaties at all.
It’s complicated, yes… But blindly yelling ‘land back’ doesn’t actually provide anyone any meaningful solutions. No one actually gets any land back that way.