I saw the String cheese post so I thought I’d share my own “slightly beyond best before date” consumable. I used to have two of them that I had found in my attic under some insulation, but the other one froze in my garage and broke open. (No, it did NOT smell pleasant. I’m pretty sure whatever vile liquid is in that...
One set of foster parents I lived with had a bar in the basement. My foster brother and I used to sneak shots of the hard stuff, then top up the levels with water to make it look like it wasn’t touched. Thankfully they didn’t really drink either so we didn’t get busted for a long time doing that.
My 48yr old unopened bottle of beer. (Circa 1975) (i.imgur.com)
I saw the String cheese post so I thought I’d share my own “slightly beyond best before date” consumable. I used to have two of them that I had found in my attic under some insulation, but the other one froze in my garage and broke open. (No, it did NOT smell pleasant. I’m pretty sure whatever vile liquid is in that...
12 year old string cheese (lemmy.world)
I found this sealed package of string cheese inside an old convention swag bag....