Haven’t played Gostwire Tokyo, so I’m not sure exactly how it plays, but you might also enjoy the Witcher 3 and Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor/War. They both have good combat systems and skill trees (although they work quite differently), as well as an open explorable world. I’ve played Shadow of Mordor (Steam version), so I know that works fine on Linux
Not a whole lot of experience distro-hopping here (went from Ubuntu to Endeavour and haven’t really changed since) but from what I know it seems like most distros have their place. Arch is highly customisable and all rolling release distros are good for gamers and those who need the latest software. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and other LTS distros are good for servers and newcomers (fewer big updates and therefore fewer potential crises)
For the sake of answering the question, I’d say Ubuntu is my least favourite. Its pretty bloated, and then there’s the whole snap fiasco
Not an expert, but to me it sounds like the issue is that “on demand” uses the iGPU for regular desktop parts and calls for the dGPU when you switch to something requiring more horsepower
The problem with this might be that the execution of this is slow and there’s a few seconds between the iGPU switching off and the dGPU switching on
Because the powers that be benefit from the status quo too much. Hell, even the Electoral College doesn’t do the average person any favours, and that’s still going strong
How are guerrilla fighters with far inferior numbers, technology, and funding supposed to target military and government sites and not get wiped out within a week?
BUT, the very people @Prunebutt cited were advocates of violent changes to established oppression. Their critiques of the Bolsheviks stemmed from ongoing mismanagement and oppression.
Contemporary America had very similar civil rights violations, with the main difference being that the US government was an established authority, while the Bolsheviks were only recently established. Attempting a worker’s strike in the US got people killed; attempting something like the Kronstadt rebellion in the US would have been an even worse bloodbath than the original.