How are you “restricting” yourself by learning that it exists? Nobody is saying “learn about it and use it and never consider anything else.” They asked what fundamentals they should know for networking, and I dumped what I considered the “fundamentals.”
I mean, isn’t it important to understand the fundamentals so you can understand VLSM better?
Like math, a lot of this knowledge works better when you know the fundamentals and basics, which help you conceptualize the bigger ideas.
On a personal level, I would have had a lot harder time understanding VLSM if I hadn’t had the basic fundamentals of traditional subnetting and classful networking under my belt.
If only. Democrats are historically milquetoast in response to Republicans.
This charade has been going on for 40-some years or more. At least since the likes of Reagan and Gingrich.
The court could go out of their way to rule on the case and make sure it only applied to Trump and only in this instance.
Just because the Democrats are suddenly given power doesn’t mean they will use it to stop fascism. Sadly, too many in the Democratic party are invested in the US Empire to just let go of how things currently work. Their long inability to act is literally why we are at the precipice of fascism fully taking over. The Democrats fell in line with Bush’s illegal war in Iraq, and they declined to do anything about the fact that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Co. signed off on torture. We’re about to have Trump as a Dictator because we refused to do anything about leaders who were and are war criminals. People expecting Biden to do something, even if it is ruled in his favor, are waiting in false hope, imho.
EDIT: To be clear, I’d be ecstatic to be proven wrong, honestly. It would be nice to see Democrats really stand on the right side of history, not just partially or out of convenience.
Ehhh, you have to spend money on a decent dock to be able to use it with any consistency as a desktop. Sure, software-wise, it’s not a console, it plays PC games.
However, it’s physical form factor is a console. It looks and functions out of the box far more like a Nintendo Switch than a IBM ThinkPad.
It’s literally a gamepad with a screen and no keyboard or mouse. So despite being a PC platform, I would still consider this a “console,” based on outward-facing form factor alone, personally.