There was a kid, maybe 14 or 15 who complained about his mum and sister in r/parentsarefuckingstupid or a similar sub. He didn’t mention being autistic in the post but it was pretty clear - it was his behaviour and response which was inappropriate, not his mum’s. Having grown up with an autistic brother his reaction was very familiar to me. I tried to give him some tips to help him avoid conflict and smooth the situation over - “apologise even if you don’t mean it right now, it’s the easiest way of getting your game back tonight. In future don’t raise your voice to your sister even if she’s shouting. Remove yourself to your bedroom to calm down. Ask to speak to your mum alone to explain your side of the argument. Etc” pretty benign advice that wasn’t judgemental or insulting in anyway. I put a decent amount of time into writing my response in a way that was constructive and helpful from his perspective. I felt pretty good about myself afterwards, like I’d done my good deed for the day.
The kid went absolutely psycho. He was writing comments and immediately deleting them, then saying I was sending him extremely inappropriate sexual messages. He was summoning all the bots he could think of, like the n-word bot to accuse me of racism (I’ve never ever used the n-word). It was so out of left field I was stunned. A couple of people stuck up for me in the comments but it left me really shaken. Who the fuck accuses someone of being a racist pedophile out of nowhere? That boy needs help and it has nothing to do with his autism.
I can only assume that people don’t understand why it was brought in on YouTube and TikTok in the first place because so many people do it when it isn’t remotely necessary. If you make your living posting on social media, then fair enough, I understand you need to fall inline with the rules of the platform. But why the hell would you self censor posts you don’t make money from? Utterly ridiculous.
I don’t think I’ve ever read of a positive outcome when one married partner suggests they open the relationship out of the blue. The lack of foresight is astounding!
A bunch of subs have been asking their users the same thing - some don’t have the scores hidden and “return to normal” was losing in all of them when I voted!