It says that the guest is supposed to have some special software
That sounds like virtio-win. I usually use the iso and mount it from virt-manager, but if the internet is working then I guess you can download the exe.
I’m assuming that I’m supposed to download “libvirtd”
Just searched it up, something like this should work: sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system bridge-utils virtinst libvirt-daemon
Sorry I don’t have too much experience with gnome boxes either, I mostly use virt-manager.
If you’re using gnome disks, it hides the more Linuxy file systems behind an ‘Other’ option.
Personally, for removable drives I prefer to use
ext4 for HDDs
f2fs for SSDs
exfat for Windows compatibility
If it’s grayed out or you’re getting errors try searching up ‘how to format as [file system] in [Pop OS/Ubuntu/Linux]’, you might need some extra packages.
I wasn’t able to enable VRR on my monitor (with freesync). I’m using KDE Wayland on Debian Testing, just wondering if you knew a workaround or something?
Okay so for whatever reason, turning Freesync on and off a bunch of times from the OSD and then replugging works until the next reboot, so I’ve dumped the working EDID and I’m trying to figure out how to load it at boot (but I’m not having much luck).
For reference, the monitor is a Samsung LC24RG50.
Edit: Got the EDID loaded, KDE says it’s supported, but VRRTest doesn’t really seem to do anything.