It was popular. Don’t let those brigading against the mere idea of a musical distort the facts.
Some of the review sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ended up with average scores in the 7/70% range merely because of the large number of 1/10 votes.
If you check out the vote distribution, it was a small but very vocal minority who opposed the episode on principle, who created the impression that it wasn’t well received by the fandom.
Personally, I’m not a huge fan of American musicals, but I enjoyed and have certainly included it in my rewatches already.
I’m continually positively surprised how many memes here kick off more serious discussion and speculation about the shows. It’s one of the things that sucked me in.
I’m not convinced that I will ever quite have the right sense of humour to have my own original memes take off here, but you guys make me want to stretch beyond my comfort zone.
Thank you, Lucy! (
Admit it there are some bangers. (
...sorry (
Gonna make a cleaner version of this in a couple minutes. Love meme but this thing fell into the air fryer accidentally....
No one has ever known we were among you... until now. (
When your cat jumps on your computer desk (