That stack of pancakes in the meme has about 1/3 of what our kids would put on them. They should be drowning. Not to mention all over the beans, sausages eggs or whatever other sides.
For those you are uninitiated, in the maple syrup producing regions of Quebec and Ontario, we buy it by the case. 12 half litre cans each. Or 1 litre bottles.
It’s actually much healthier than corn syrup because it has a lot of dissolved mineral goodness that the trees pull out of the ground - calcium, zinc and iron.
When I first moved from the west, my housemate’s romantic interest showed up with a case and opined that we were sickly westerners because we weren’t consuming syrup all winter. I’ve come round.
It’s 70s Saturday morning animation in the trendy hot pink, orange, lime green and purple of the psychedelic era.
It’s got a lot of episodes written by TOS writers that got reworked from live action, but also some very out there original stuff. Roddenberry really pushed the writers to take advantage of the animated medium.
It’s trippy and worth your time. A couple of episodes, including Yesteryear, are S-tier.
With Spock as a child with his selát - yes that’s it. It got a lot of praise from child development experts and parents for dealing with the difficult topic of a pet’s death. It was a children’s show first.
Speaking of Canada in Star Trek... (
Friends don't let friends try. . . (
While all TAS episodes had some kind of moral lesson, S1 E10 was an outright criticism of substance use....