I actually find the nanobot something crazy. Regarding the “artificial insemination” question, I guess only those having such problems should speak. Just like the abortion question.
So pls stop taking any medicine, nature decided you should die earlier without any cure. It shouldn’t be a personal choice to stay alive according to your view. Com’on
Well, if i had to follow that kind of belief, we should avoid old people (either man or woman) to have children because sperm from old man is not that good, regarding eggs we all well know the problems occurring with aging. But people smoke, drink, do stupid things and so on. So, if those are small cases I guess it’s fine. We’re having problems in case that becomes the standard way of having babies. However, we’re experiencing a wave of women who wants to go back in time andd have babies without even going to the hospitals, so maybe things will fall into place naturally, in the end they are those who decide
That could happen anyway unless you follow the eugenics path, but that’s a completely different story. These nanobots should be seen more like a prosthesis probably, or a walker
Nanobot Carry Lazy Sperm to Fertilize Living Eggs (youtube.com)