Mine is people who separate words when they write. I’m Norwegian, and we can string together words indefinetly to make a new word. The never ending word may not make any sense, but it is gramatically correct...
Thresh + hold = threshold. Why did they drop the middle ‘H’? You still have to pronounce both 'H’s, and they don’t even have the same sound. They’re the worst kind of portmanteau, but they’re in the dictionary.
Good point, my mistake on hitchhiker. My brain just merged it in with my hatred of threshold.
It doesn’t matter how old threshold is. They merged the h of hold with the h in the sh sound of thresh. There is an H missing from how it should be spelt.
I’d accept this as a bad example if it wasn’t pronounced “hold”. Like, you say “thresh hold” and not “thresh old”, and that’s why I get ticked off at it only having one H. Even if there’s an explanation, it’s irritating.
What is an musical instrument would you like to know how to play?
And why? Not an instrument you already play. Pick something else....
18+ What irritates you the most with your own language?
Mine is people who separate words when they write. I’m Norwegian, and we can string together words indefinetly to make a new word. The never ending word may not make any sense, but it is gramatically correct...