Ooooh yes soup when you’re sick is wonderful! I dunno if it helps any, but I always have copious amounts of soup and broth when I have a respiratory illness. I hope you feel better and enjoy the soup!
Fish in aspic sounds similar to gefilte fish, which is universally terrible in every jar, can, or whatever you can find at the store.
I wish I could tell you how, but my grandmother would make gefilte by hand annually and it was delightful. Slightly tart, slightly sweet, bouncy texture and bursting with delicious whitefish flavor and lightly spiced.
So while I don’t have a recipe, I know it can be done and maybe looking into recipes for homemade gefilte fish can help you figure out how.
It’s not really here or there, but when I was a young child, I saw Star Trek: The Next Generation before Reading Rainbow, so my parents had to explain how actors worked when I was baffled how the blind man was teaching me how to read.
I did love Reading Rainbow, though, and still read regularly, probably in part thanks to Levar Burton.