I have no experience for this matter, nor a lot of Linux either, but there seem to be some interesting choices here (there isn’t best and worst, it’s just a list, and the most adapted to what you need).
It may depends on your rom/os brand. On my device (oxygen os 13.x), I can restrict access somewhere deep into mobile network settings (the translation may not be good as I have it in French) :
Settings > mobile network > data consumption > network access.
And here I see all apps. I can restrict mobile network, WiFi or both.
But I just saw a video about a chromium browser : Thorium.
It’s chromium but with many hardware acceleration, speed, and compatibility enhancements coming from multiple sources and from the guy developing it on github, making it very fast and nicer to use than default chromium.
It has Google sync, so it’s not ungoogled, but it has way less bload and more privacy than chrome.
There is a lot to learn for Linux. Search engines are your best friend. Tho sometimes advice is outdated. There are also some discord servers where help exists, tho they also expect someone asking to do their research.
I mostly learned by YouTube, then doing research on Google and other search engines, on forums… Discord servers were my last resort when I had some specific question.
Pop os = the desktop is closer to mac look. With extensions and settings with those, it can be even closer.
However keep in mind that Pop OS is developing their own desktop to get away from gnome (the name of the desktop environment(DE) (the bunch of apps and tools making the desktop and settings work)).
That new DE will most likely not be compatible with gnome extensions. And I don’t know how it will look.
For functionality, both work pretty well.
Pop os has 2 ISO : one which includes the nvidia driver, and another without the Nvidia driver, should be easy to download the right one.
Mint I don’t remember exactly how it works, but it should be easy enough to download and install the proprietary nvidia driver, either through a driver tool, or through the store.
Pop os has a gnome extension which allow you to switch from integrated gpu / hybrid / nvidia “only” directly from the notification menu.
to switch in mint, you need to open the nvidia control panel.
Both need a reboot or log out to switch gpu mode.
(keep in mind, the Nvidia gpu consumes a lot more than the cpu integrated one. In hybrid, nvidia gpus canot be put to 0w sleep yet, so it will still consume some power).
Both need a special argument for app launch or steam launch arguments to launch with the nvidia gpu if you set hybrid.
For boot :
Pop os bypasses grub (a Linux boot menu), so to choose the os to boot from, you’ll have to either use your laptop’s boot menu or the bios priority.
Mint has a grub boot menu displayed each time. So if you choose mint as priority boot, you can at boot still choose windows (about 5-10 sec to use the arrows to boot into something else than mint).
Disadvantage :
Pop OS still needs an additional app to be able to change all settings, including mouse acceleration (say thanks to gnome devs, theming has become harder to do for non gnome standard themes).
Mint : they only now made plans to develop their DE to support Wayland (a new window manager explained a bit further), and so you could have a bit less track pad fluidity (no 1to1 gestures … ). Tho as the DE used is cinnamon, there is less use of track pad gestures.
About Wayland : it’s a “new” windows manager (what allows apps to be displayed, and how they interact with each other). It is a hopeful replacement for X11 (released in 198X, before Linux…) full of issues but still working well for what it has to do. Wayland wants to bring enhancements on security, gesture fluidity and many other things. However it is not yet fully developed and you shouldn’t really base your decision on it yet.
For the rest. I don’t really remember other disadvantages as i don’t really use them anymore.