Can I ask what TV programme you’re trying to find? Between 1337, eztv and TPB it’s vanishingly rare I can’t find what I’m looking for. And for those rare occasions, I can find it to stream (or download using a firefox extension called VideoDownloadHelper)
Any organism that you can think of, microscopic or macroscopic, and yes including those somewhere in-between that we’re not sure how to classify as alive or not (i.e. viruses)....
Dang. I just can’t choose. I would like to communicate with so many.
‘Dogs’ is a tempting response, but I feel like I’d be disappointed and a little disturbed by how slavish we’ve made them. Cats… would probably tell you to fuck off and stop bothering them.
Octopodes and whales I think would make for a very interesting conversation. The octopus is, imo, the closest thing we have to an alien on earth. Iirc their intelligence developed on a completely different pathway to mammals; imo if they didn’t die so quickly they’d be as likely to have become dominant as us smart apes.
A conversation with a virus would be very boring imo. They don’t have a mind, would probably just repeat “REPRODUCTION INEVITABLE, RESISTANCE FUTILE” over and over.
Could anyone spare an invite to TV Chaos UK?
I can provide proofs from other sites. Please and thank you in advance!
Which organism would you most like to be able to conduct an extended translated interview with?
Any organism that you can think of, microscopic or macroscopic, and yes including those somewhere in-between that we’re not sure how to classify as alive or not (i.e. viruses)....