I want a voice controlled assistant that runs locally and is fully FOSS and I can just run on my bog standard linux PC, hardware minimum requirements nonwithstanding
Nice. How effective is that minimum standard? Most currently existing buildings are of course older than 15 years so most people won't have experienced it. Sadly these days anywhere remotely urban has way more than 1/4 the cost as land, espically for already existing buildings
we need to put sound insulation into the building codes. it won't increase rents much since all the money's in the land anyways. personally I've never had an actual issue with noise form other units but I'll grant this to the people who do.
NFTs don't solve the actual problem, which is that paying money doesn't legally come with a warranty for accessability of the thing you bought. The law should guarantee the right to access anything purchased or marketed similarly for a given period of years with the right to either a Refund or a DRM free download option if said access is no longer offered for any reason, and mandatory cultural preservation of said media as a precondition to legally profit off of it or enforce copyright using the court system
the recording industry is an exploitative middleman that's obsolete in an age where you don't need a big company to press vinyl disks to get your music out there
we need to infiltrate civil engineering standards boards and make protected bike lanes mandatory for all roads with 4 or more car lanes or speed limits over 25 mph. then they'll be the default everywhere because going against code will invite lawsuits