if ads were just static PNGs with a link you went to if you clicked I wouldn't have ever bothered. but ads became a major malware and tracking risk so plugging that security hole became mandatory.
the era of the big corpo monosite has made people forget what it's like to have more than one website, and even before that era websites didn't really talk to one another all that much. with time people will learn, and the ones who can't will drown in botspam on the decaying husks of corposites
I havn't amounted to anything either and I'm envious of her but I don't attack her. At worst I'd wish she'd be more radical but I'm still glad someone's doing something. There has to be more going on
Because it shows how not solving one problem (high cost housing and the resulting homelessness) results in more problems (trees getting cut down to make it someone else's problem)