I feel like Markiplier keeps improving, over time his videos have cut out a lot if padding and fluff that was the standard in old school let’s plays, but it’s not a smash cut fest like some newer youtubers are.
He also is diversifying his mediums, like the movie that he’s currently making (not a “youtuber movie”, an actual movie adapted off the game Iron Lung).
The only real controversy of his that I can think of was when he stood up for PewDiePie when he said the n-word. Mainly because they were friends. With how many years he’s been going I’m surprised there’s not more.
Gas will expire eventually and you could just hotwire one of the many abandoned cars anyways, if the roads aren’t blocked by said cars. Bullets will run out unless you find a gun shop, in which case you get guns anyways. Water purifying is easy enough to do without a machine.
My picks would be German Shepherd, Axe, First Aid, and Radio.
There’s a reason we domesticated dogs, they are useful in so many different ways like hunting, defense, and security (and companionship). Especially German Shepherds, you can see the damage they do when used by police.
Axes are survivalist 101 and some are practically multi tools despite being simple.
First Aid because infections, zombie or not, are the real killers throughout history.
The radio’s more of a gamble, but it’s your best chance to find a new settlement, monke strong together and all that. Also you can maybe stay informed on what’s happening in other parts of the country. (And it lets me flex my Amateur Radio License).
I don’t know if they are in touch or not, but I just remember an impassioned video of Mark shaming the growing hate group on Pewds around that incident. He talked like a stern father.
I don’t know what their status was after that, maybe he quietly cut ties after the Nazi suit or the Fiver incident, that would be the wise thing.