You could really take your pick of Vampire the Masquerade baddies.
Ur-Shulgi, for instance, who looks like a charred corpse, has led multiple genocides, is directly referred to as "violence incarnate," and doesn't seem to have a goal beyond exterminating everything he considers unclean. Depending on who you ask, that may very well be damn near everything, period.
Or Sascha Vykos, who... to call them a torturer is like saying Michelangelo kinda knew how to paint. Vykos is a monster in every sense of the word, and cruelty is both method and goal in a lot of their schemes.
I'm thinking you have to go way back, something like lolcats, advice duck, ceiling cat, something where if you remove it from the equation meme culture just straight up does not develop, or does not develop the same way or at the same time.
Yes. Kes was artificially put into it and made a point of saying it happens only once.
As to them having a tendency to single births, I don't remember. There do seem to be few enough of them to indicate a population in decline, but...
If each couple can only have one child ever, their population would halve every generation, wouldn't it? That's... Isn't that wildly unsustainable, biologically?
I suppose they could represent an evolutionary dead-end...
The thought just occurred to me: they talk about it being a big deal that the Ocampa only live nine years and... We assume they mean nine Earth years. But they never actually establish how long an Ocampan year is. If they have an orbital period similar to, say, Saturn, she could easily outlive Tuvok while lamenting that she "only" gets nine years.
... I'm trying to remember what my gripe was. It's not anarchist enough? Too much vendetta not enough revolution? Book V had a vision for the future, Movie V only had revenge?
Fuck me guess it's time to reread and rewatch and remind myself why I thought that.