Also, I’m going to call right now the entire plot of the second season, and if it doesn’t aline with what I think should happen, then the show is garbage and the writing is bAd.
To me, it just seemed … dull. Like, the conversations characters were having weren’t interesting. What was happening on screen wasn’t interesting. I felt myself suddenly snapping back to reality several times each episode after my mind aimlessly drifted away from what I was watching. And I’m someone who doesn’t need Michael Bay explosions and constant action to enjoy a tv show. Really hope they turn it around and do something interesting with it. Absolute snooze fest.
Nothing wrong with accepting that both sides of anything have good and bad shit going on. I couldn’t imagine just blindly following one side 100% even when they can also do questionable stuff.
I didn’t actually look to be honest! I was just looking at some House of the Dragon stuff and thought I’d search and see if I could find a community. Could always rebrand to be a catch all for any ASOIAF stuff, assuming the name of the community can be changed that is. (Not sure.)
Agreed. Try using apt install program name, not found. Search Google “how to download program name on Linux”. Get told you first have to add these 3 different repos or whatever in the terminal, then type in this command to download it. Why do I need to Google HOW to download a program? Nothing is ever simple with Linux. It’s absolute bollocks in that regard.