After an all-too-long development phase, I’m opening the new year with a new version of Tempo. This new version brings with it Android Auto support, one of the most requested features of all time....
Hello and thank you all for your appreciation! For anyone who asks, there is a buymeacoffee page for donations. It’s really a pleasure to see my work recognized, especially when I’ve been practically stuck on Android Auto support for months… For the future, the plans are to fix some bugs already reported to me, add support for the OpenSubsonic API, and clean up the interface (giving the user the ability to show or hide elements as they wish). Fewer server calls should lighten up and speed up the app.
Yes, it’s been on my roadmap for a while. I also created a pull request several months ago to enter the repo but it was never accepted (it’s also my fault because I didn’t follow the verification process properly).
Tempo – An open source music client for Subsonic built natively for Android, now with Android Auto support (
After an all-too-long development phase, I’m opening the new year with a new version of Tempo. This new version brings with it Android Auto support, one of the most requested features of all time....