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atzanteol, (edited )

Not sure about others but in PopOS (and I assume Ubuntu) it’s pretty simple. Probably easy with most distros.

<span style="color:#323232;">apt install gnome-desktop
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt install kde-standard
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt install xubuntu-desktop
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt install cinnamon-desktop-environment
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies
</span><span style="color:#323232;">etc.
atzanteol, (edited )

Same! I’m on Ubuntu and Pop these days but I fondly remember my old distcc build cluster…

Portage is still far and away my favorite package manager.


I think you need to learn more about how databases work. They don’t typically reclaim deleted space automatically for performance reasons. Databases like to write to a single large file they can then index into. Re-writing those files is expensive so left to the DBA (you) to determine when it should be done.

And how are you backing up the database? Just backing up /var/lib/postgres? Or are you doing a pg_dump? If the former then it’s possible your backups won’t be coherent if you haven’t stopped your database and it will contain that full history of deleted stuff. pg_dump would give you just the current data in a way that will apply properly to a new database should you need to restore

You can also consider your backup retention policy. How many backups do you need for how long?


FWIW I manage docker compose files with ansible. Allows me to centrally manage them without the need to go logging into multiple vms. I also create a systemd service file to start/stop the containers (also managed with ansible).

That said I’m starting to switch over to k8s as well (also with microk8s which has been the easiest to work with). Definitely overkill but I want to learn it.

I'm so frustrated rn.

I have been distro hopping for about 2 weeks now, there’s always something that doesn’t work. I thought I would stick with Debian and now I haven’t been able to make my printer work in it, I think I tried in another distro and it just worked out of the box, but there’s always something that’s broken in every distro....


Then stay away. If you don’t like to tinker with things it’s not for you.


You can install vulkan-tools (ubuntu package name - not sure if it’s the same for your distro) and running vkcube. It’s a simple vulkan app that will display a rotating cube using vulkan. It will also spit out the GPU that it’s running on.

If it reports your nvidia card and the cube looks good then your drivers may be fine and the issue is with Steam and/or this application specifically. If not then there’s an issue with your drivers.

Occasionally when I’ve had a kernel update or something the nvidia drivers have gotten borked. Removing, re-installing, and rebooting has helped. Something like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">apt purge nvidia-driver-*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt install nvidia-driver-535
</span><span style="color:#323232;">reboot

Planning on setting up Proxmox and moving most services there. Some questions

I am currently running most of my stuff from an unraid box using spare parts I have. It seems like I am hitting my limit on it and just want to turn it into a NAS. Micro PCs/USFF are what I am planning on moving stuff to (probably a cluster of 2 for now but might expand later.). Just a few quick questions:...


I haven’t done it - but I believe Proxmox allows for creating a “backplane” network which the servers can use to talk directly to each other. This would be used for ceph and server migrations so that the large amount of network traffic doesn’t interfere with other traffic being used by the VMs and the rest of your network.

You’d just need a second NIC and a switch to create the second network, then staticly assign IPs. This network wouldn’t route anywhere else.


This seems to be a “widely believed fact” but I haven’t seen any real data to back it up.


Use ZFS when prompted - it opens up some features and is a bitch to change later. I don’t understand why it’s not the default.


At first I was with this but the first set of questions is so stupid that I can’t see that being a good idea.

Somebody just code up a bot that picks a random mainstream distro everytime somebody asks “what distro should I use?”

atzanteol, (edited )

the “year of the Linux computer” will never happen.

It won’t, that’s fine. People who don’t want to lean anything about computers use iOS and Android now. And that’s fine. I never want Linux distros to become like that.


Another key for me to pop off my keyboard. Great.


It’s not a “language” issue it’s a “computer” issue. This math is being done on the CPU.

IEEE 754

Some languages do provide for “arbitrary precision math” (Java’s BigDecimal for example) but it’s slower to do that. Not what you want if you’re multiplying a 4k matrix every millisecond.


I’ve been running Linux since the 90s and use popos. Nothing “beginner” about it.


For desktop apps maybe. How do you run a flatpak from the cli? “flatpak run org.something.Command”. Awesome.

Both suffer from not making it obvious what directories your application can access and not providing a clear message when you try to access files it can’t. The user experience sucks.


Wouldn’t this also be possible with plain sockets tho?

You keep using this phrase. Given time and money anything is possible. Technically we don’t need to use http - every server could implement their own standard using raw sockets. You then could download a simple client library for every site!

With a well defined dbus interface your application can talk to any number of applications that implement that interface. Even those you didn’t know about it at time of development. It provides a structure for ipc other than “go fetch libblah” and also “libblarg” and “libfloob” and read all of their docs and implement each one separately.


Railways are not a “replacement” for canals.


Yes. And it’s a bad analogy. Nobody is expecting you to be able to take a barge on railways. But existing linux applications are being expected to run on Wayland. As I said - railways didn’t replace canals - they’re different types of things.


I don’t see a problem.

I didn’t say there was a problem. I’m saying it’s pretty disingenuous to act like Wayland isn’t intended as a replacement for X11. All of which you seem to agree with. As you say “nobody forces Wayland onto anyone yet” (emphasis mine).

Also - I just love how your comment is written like a politician would have written it. “Sure you can use the dirty old X11 if you really want to, or you can use the nice new God-fearing Wayland”.




Lol. Learn your history.

Don’t be shitty.


We’re getting well away from the topic now. It depends on what you mean by “replace”. Railways and canals exist side-by-side as different solutions to similar problems - sure. And some railways have replaced some canals. But the panama canal will not be replaced by a railroad for example. It couldn’t do the same job. The pros/cons of each option depends on many factors.

The analogy is poor for comparing software. Linux distros will likely replace X11 with Wayland over time. To do the same thing that X11 was doing. It will be replaced “in place”. The very same thing you were using with X11 will now need to work on Wayland. This would be like running your barges on the railroad? Maybe? Depending on how you squint?

I wouldn’t expect my barge to work on the railroad. I do expect that Firefox will run on Wayland after having used it on X11 for 20 years.


Nate Graham acknowledges current gaps in Wayland support but on the matter of “Wayland breaks everything” isn’t really the right perspective

That’s rather disingenuous. It’s meant to be a replacement for X11. So it does break things.


If it weren’t “written in rust” nobody would give a shit.


As a long-time Vi user I would highly recommend giving it a shot for a solid month to see if it clicks for you. It’s genuinely an excellent way to edit text beyond “just typing words” - it’s a huge productivity boost once you’re competent with even some of the basic commands. There are just soo many combineable short-cuts at your fingertips that once you get a few of them under your belt you’ll go nuts without them. And the simple macros you can write can allow you to do mass manipulation of multiple lines in ways that are just so simple (e.g. “add quotes around every line and a comma at the end”).

Dive in beyond the basic “hjkl:q” though.

Which version of vi you use won’t largely matter. As a bonus most IDEs support a good subset of vi commands so your skills become transferable. I use PyCharm and other Jet Brains IDEs all the time and ideavim is “good enough” for what I do.

Emacs is dead near as I can tell.

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