I have been slowly dipping my toes in Brother Ali the past few months, and recently listened to this for the first time. His voice is awesome but some of the words may be a little hard to catch. It's worth looking up the lyrics.
Ah, the block list is going to go up a lot as I read this thread, I'm guessing.
If you aren't black, and you think you have a reason (or are trying to find one) where it's OK to say the N word in a non-academic context (and maybe even then), or you think you have a valid opinion on whether black folks should use it, or you think that black folks using it somehow justifies your use of it, you're either willfully ignorant of the depths to which that word has been used to dehumanize, and thus is indeed worthy of unique treatment, or you're a bigot, and likely both.
Edit: Not as many folks falling over themselves to find the corner case where it should be OK for them as I expected. gg fediverse, you aren't quite as shitty as r****t yet.
you should clarify what exactly you mean by ‘free’, cause as an outsider it just seems like you have the freedom to get indiscriminatly mowed down by high powered rifles owned by mentally ill spree shooters.
As an insider it seems like this too.
But to the guy you replied to it's most likely the freedom to have a gun which you never do those bad things with, while also plugging your ears regarding the reality that the same laws protecting your ability to have a gun and not do those bad things are enabling that endless stream of indiscriminate deaths by the folks who do those bad things.
And although I don't know him personally, he probably also deflects to mental health being the cause while continuing to vote for the party that both is responsible for our lack of mental health infrastructure and also refuses to consider restrictions on gun ownership.
Fair. You aren't missing the pinnacle of cinema either. If you're going to watch one new (to you) Star Wars movie this year - make it Rogue One if you haven't seen it. It's the best Star Wars movie this century IMO. (By a lot.)
Remember the time Sony Music installed a rootkit on peoples' computers via commercially purchased CDs because hacking paying customers' computers seemed like a good way to combat piracy?
It really is amazing. Was able to scrape a LOT of gorilla tape (it's like FlexTape) residue off of a painted surface using a few applications of goo gone, and an improvised plastic squeegee last weekend. No scratches on the paint, and no more than about 2 minutes of effort on my part.