Hey man I’m just a certless dummy that wants access to aur that installs on my computer. If y’all wanna trouble shoot why endeavor doesn’t work that’s on your time.
Haha naw I just kind wanted some one to post this information.
Honestly I still don’t think there’s much to gain from influencing lemmy users. But I know it’s a game of attrition you have to do it everywhere on as many social networks as possible to cast the widest net.
Haha it just wouldn’t boot from the flash drive. I think it has something to do with the motherboard drivers because Manjaro has a fancy ROG/Manjaro boot screen but I don’t actually expect anyone to fix it for me. My set up is very music production based and most everything works with Manjaro but even I know they have a reputation.Thanks for the question though.
Homie did you repress COVID? Anyone that wasn’t removed about wearing a mask was discussing why this system isn’t working for them. Sorry you weren’t invited to the discussion.
That’s just not true. I’ve made comments that I thought desirve no reply but humans find a way. If there’s no comments to read the shared content just isn’t that interesting. If I see comments then the shared content must be interesting enough to justify a discussion.