Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
How did this slip under my radar? I love Elijah Wood’s project choices the last decade. He takes chances and makes some weird stuff that I love. Thanks for the rec!
This sounds interesting. I love horror in non-traditional settings. Western Horror is incredibly underused. The only one that comes to mind is Bone Tomahawk, which is a must see if you haven’t. Thanks for the suggestion!
I still rewatch Event Horizon like once a year. It really doesn’t hold up all that well, but it’s a classic that I loved as a kid. I wish Paul W.S. Anderson would do more like it instead of a million terrible movies starring his wife.
Smile was better than I was expecting. It wasn’t great, but a lot of cool, creepy imagery kept me interested.
And The Wailing is something every horror fan should see. It’s so good. Korean Horror is almost always worth a watch.
Cube is so underrated! Even the sequels are pretty decent. If you can get past the low budget and questionable acting, it’s a fun movie with an interesting premise.
Since using that app, I don’t mind having to go, even multiple times. For whatever reason I kept having to go during Flower Moon but it was nice not worrying about what I missed.
The only reason I wouldn’t want an actual intermission is having to deal with a bunch of people going all at once. I hate dealing with crowds and I like just being by myself most of the time. I usually go to matinees on Fridays when I can while most people are at work but the movie is still new. But a lot of times I end up waiting til the middle of the next week so I have an almost empty theater. I know not everyone can do that, but I’m grateful I can.
It depends on the movie though. I love going to see the opening of MCU movies or something that I know will be fun to watch with a crowd. My favorite theater memory is when I saw Endgame and there was this girl a few seats down from me that was bawling her eyes out when the “on your left” portal scene happened. She had to be around 10 and it was just amazing seeing such emotion and investment from a child. It instantly made me feel like a kid again.
Ugh, always one. Was waiting for this comment to come.
No, I do not have my phone out throughout the movie. Sometimes, I check the dark lock screen for a notification occasionally when I feel a vibration, which not a single person notices except for me. But I usually just pay attention for the key words to a peetime that I preplanned to take before the movie started.
Would They Follow follow It Follows if It Follows doesn’t follow They Follow? Of course, They Follow follows It Follows as It Follows precedes They Follow.
Ok, “follow” looks and sounds wrong now. I’ve said it too much.
Loved it. I think I read that they purposely did it to make it not able to place in any time period. No cell phones. Everyone looks vaguely 80s style. Lots of older cars. But then this weird future e-reader in a seashell? wtf.
That weird e-reader thing is one of the small touches I love about it. Among other things, it really gives the movie this out-of-time feeling. Which I think adds to the uneasiness of it as a whole.
Slightly off topic, but when I first watched It Follows, I hated it. But when I rewatched it, it became one of my favorite horror movies ever. Do you all have this happen sometimes? Is it just not being in the right mood? Not paying attention? Growing as a person? I think for me I was annoyed with the character’s actions. But I’ve become way more lenient on what I consider “unrealistic” character actions. People in high stress stuations rarely make the best decisions and I accept that more in movies.
This thread is for discussing what you are watching/watched recently. Let us know what you've seen recently whether it's old or new, good or bad, or anything in between. Obviously, movies are preferred, but feel free to post whatever you've been watching. Expect spoilers.
I love Ben Schwartz. I even saw him and Thomas Middleditch do their improv show a couple years ago. But I always see Jean Ralphio when I see him. It’s just such a good character, lol.
Yep, agreed completely. The premise is interesting and Cage is actually pretty good without being too over the top but the rest is tonally all over the place. It tries to be serious and then Jean Ralphio comes in and is a cartoon. I left pretty disappointed at the potential.
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This is not meant to be a permanent decision and we hope Lemmy grows to be able to support every niche there is.
Well I gotta say I was really looking forward to this since it’s supposed to be a spiritual successor to Re-Animator and From Beyond, but I was extremely disappointed. It’s more weird 90s low budget softcore TV movie than 80s campy body horror. A lot of it had “filmed in the directors house” vibes, which is fine, but the acting is atrocious. I don’t know if they were going for that or not but it was distracting how bad it was. Heather Graham, who isn’t Meryl Streep by any means, but is usually pretty good, had the same expression and tone the entire movie. Even when she was “possessed” by the other entity. She sounded like she was reading off cue cards the whole time.
The premise was decent, based of a Lovecraft story, but I found it pretty boring. I was hoping having Barbara Crampton in it would be a highlight but she was just…there. I’m usually pretty forgiving about character actions in movies. I’m a big believer in that people don’t make smart decisions in stressful situations and can often do incredibly stupid things. That being said, no one in this movie acts like a human. They just go along with things when people wouldn’t and they argue against things that they can plainly see.
The biggest thing for me, and this is probably a very biased opinion because I am a staunch supporter of therapy and have been in different kinds of treatment for a long time, but the way Heather Graham’s character is shown as a psychiatrist was so behind the times and ridiculous that it just infuriated me. Early in the movie she meets a potential patient and talks to him for all of 5 minutes, then goes home and tells her husband all about him and give him a diagnosis of multiple personality disorder. She also hypnotizes a patient to try to help him overcome violent outbursts but she’s able to put him under in seconds and he gets stuck that way while she talks to another person and it’s just too over the top for me. I know the movie is supposed to be campy and silly at times but it just left a super bad taste in my mouth the way they portrayed psychiatry and therapy. But like I said my personal experiences are probably making me take it more personal than I should.
But overall it was pretty generic and disappointing and I wouldn’t recommend it. I really wanted to love it especially seeing it have such a high rotten tomatoes score and lots of critics loving it but it feels like another moment where I’m watching a different movie than everybody else watched.
Happy Halloween! Share your favorite scary movie suggestions! (prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com)
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
Rogue ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Intermissions at Movie Theaters Spur Studio to Intervene (www.hollywoodreporter.com)
‘It Follows’ Sequel ‘They Follow’ With Maika Monroe Launches At AFM Via NEON (deadline.com)
Matthew Perry Dies: Chandler Bing From ‘Friends’ Actor Was 54 – Deadline - Lemmy.World (lemmy.world)
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What are you watching? (October 2023) (i.gzn.jp)
This thread is for discussing what you are watching/watched recently. Let us know what you've seen recently whether it's old or new, good or bad, or anything in between. Obviously, movies are preferred, but feel free to post whatever you've been watching. Expect spoilers.
It's the little things (startrek.website)
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[DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] - SUITABLE FLESH - Heather Graham, Judah Lewis, Barbara Crampton (ntvb.tmsimg.com)